Black Hole Primer
by Ankh Spice, Featured Breaking News Poet

Spiralling was the best game, kids testing
what it is to be a bone-caged brain –
on the green sky of the lawn we’d collapse, done
whirling, all the meat of a small body
impacting on itself, sloshed giddy into spinning black
behind closed eyes

After falling, I used to pretend I was still
down through the queasy earth, folded
into a different animal

The heatwave summer killed the lawn, and we compressed into
adulthood, spiralling only debts and wound
tighter and tighter until all the spring
left us

So if we go down now, spun into ourselves
let it be like it was –
rationality fled, dizzy
marvel at discovering
this thing at our core, look, we always held a ticket
back into the spangled dark.

Ankh Spice is a sea-obsessed poet from Aotearoa / New Zealand. His poetry appears in various publications and often explores themes of change through natural imagery. You can find him on Twitter @SeaGoatScreams.
The thought of ‘grand-scale change’ vs ‘personal change’ and our place in an indifferent universe inspired this piece….with a nudge from the HP Twitter prompt: SUPERMASSIVE BLACK HOLE NEAREST EARTH IS BECOMING MYSTERIOUSLY, INTENSELY BRIGHT, ASTRONOMERS SAY,” by Andrew Griffin, Independent, September 12, 2019.
image: Pair of galaxies known as UGC2369 from NASA Best Pictures of the Month – August, 2019