I have a tattoo of the grim reaper

On my left arm

Though I have not journeyed with him

I feel we are close friends

I have spent many a night

Begging for him to collect me and

Hold me in his arms like a long-lost sibling

He has not indulged me

For better or for worse

He has instead visited me on nights

That I have fallen into a sleep so deep

It is as if I am sinking underwater

He tells me tales of others like me

Who after facing his bittersweet rejection

Have cradled just a slither of hope

And nurtured it, embraced it and

Nourished it

As if it were a tiny human

Allowing it to grow, mature and blossom

Until it nestled itself

Into the darkest corners of the beggar’s mind

Screaming at the highest decibel

Each time they pleaded with the reaper

Until eventually

They ceased imploring

Knowing the reaper would knock gently

When it was time to go

Hope, is no small thing

He declared, preparing to leave

I nod and begrudgingly agree

Hope has always lingered on the peripheries of my mind

It is time to become truly acquainted




Photo by Ian Espinosa on Unsplash