I was diagnose by Bipolar Disorder at the age of 25 and before that I thought that living with depression, hyperactivity and mood swings was totally normal.

I went to cure with different Doctors and medicines but nothing seemed to change the horrible perception I had of life.

I felt pain in everything i was doing and I just had few frames of fake happiness.

My father’s grief was the worse time I ever had. The strange thing was the sad connection I started to have with death. I was not ready for it and I was angry with it.

Time passed and at the age of 34 I decided to do something different, it was my time to heal my pain and feel free from my demons.

I went for a hike in Scotland, I’ve done 96 miles in 7 days through the Highlands. It was just me the nature and my demons.

It was the time for me to question myself and have an honest talk with Mother Nature.

A deep emotion
touched me
when I realise 
I was breathing freedom
and no more pain.
My legs were touching the wet ground.
I was hurting the land that was bleeding water.
"Why am I always in pain?
Why I should suffer from my own life?"

A gentle breeze whispered:
"Believe in you.
Trust in you.
Believe in me.
Trust in me.
Release who you are
and embrace your future."

A lighter sensation
punched my guts,
I am not blind,
I can see the world,
I can believe in people,
I can trust me,
I can't hurt myself 
I have to love who I am.

The pain was gone,
Suffer ran away
and all was beauty and calmness.

The storm was gone
And I was dancing in the Aura of my future.

I am my own reason.
I am my own choice.
I am the silence
in a world full of pain.


As much is difficult to live with your demons, fight them with your strength and power. Believe always in yourself.

