image source,

by Hokis, senior editor

Blizzard of a snowy day
A time when 
Modern day
Is blanketed 
In such a way
It nearly resembles an 
Ancient forest of the north

{how did we get here, this disconnected time? where are we headed?}

The caveman beard
Dressed in matching North Face® decor
Blowing snowflakes
Through his thousand dollar
Oiled machine
So he may 
Travel at light speed
In his silver, killer bullet
Built to highlight the ancient wheel
All for a barter of
Chlorophyll colored 
Inked tree bark
For perfumed lye
And grooming for
That caveman beard 


{{Insert labeled sketch:
across the street
from the meat eater 
scraggly man with plastic shovel
he has no vehicle

Note: let this image put the cannibal on notice}}

I have to turn my head.

My leashed wolf
Just did his business
On the ice age remains
Draped over the
No longer wormed
I have to collect it 
With an invention that 
Will end up binding the inside
Of a to-be-beached whale
So I don’t get a ticket
For biodegradable shit
Sitting on the non-biological 

{is this where ‘set in stone’ is used to describe a stubborn man?}

Is all this the butterfly effect
Of the chance event
An open window
A summer breeze
A spore of mold
Left to divide and conquer
In the dish 
Of an absent minded
Micro level scientist
Away on holiday?  


What will happen
When the monarch’s disappear?
What will then
Be the butterfly effect
Of the spore-drone
Resting on the 
Plastic altar, landing base
As it communicates
Way beyond natural migration distances
Through the quantum world
To life on the moon