On September 20, The Youth Climate Strike Coalition and other young people are leading a #ClimateStrike for action on the climate crisis, the biggest threat to our future. We, as a global society, are at a crossroads. We have a decision to make.

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The Youth Climate Strike Coalition is composed of the following organizations:

Earth Uprising is a global, youth led organization focusing on climate education, climate advocacy and mobilizing young people to take direct action for their future.

Extinction Rebellion Youth is led by a community of young people within Extinction Rebellion, a network focused on persuading governments to act on the climate and ecological emergency.

Fridays for Future USA is a people-led movement around the climate crisis. Founded in August 2018, Fridays for Future was inspired by teen activist Greta Thunberg, who sat in front of the Swedish parliament every school day for three weeks to protest against the lack of action on the climate crisis.

Future Coalition is a national network and community for youth-led organizations and youth leaders. The Future Coalition works collaboratively to share resources and ideas, all with a common goal of making the future a better, safer, and more just place for everyone.

Sunrise Movement is a youth-led movement of young people committed to stopping the climate crisis. Sunrise Movement is currently leading actions around a Green New Deal and need for a Democratic debate dedicated to climate change.

US Youth Climate Strike is a youth-led movement that helped organize over 424 student strikes occurring in at least 45 states on March 15, 2019.

Zero Hour is an intersectional movement around climate change. In 2018, Zero Hour organized the first official Youth Climate March in 25 cities around the world and laid the groundwork for the climate strike movement. In July 2019, Zero Hour hosted the Youth Climate Summit, a weekend-long summit featuring 350 attendees from across the world participating in workshops and programs to enhance their advocacy in the fight for climate justice.