The #MikePounce in the Mirror

by Hokis, senior editor, Twitter @hokispoetry

Before we
We dive into the joke
laugh ‘til we throw up
forget we are actually quite sick with
the common form of a frontal-lobe eating
cilia'd bacterium: Satirical dissonance,

note the symptoms,
Mistaking misspeaking to please.
Forgetting the bloodletting to ease.
Denial of our vile collective disease.

Each giggle
lines the pocket,
emboldens the prophet
whom first made us ill, yet
we #DVReachnight.

inspiration for this poem in a poem, the September 13th trending hashtag #MikePounce, the memory of listening to Malcolm Gladwell’s podcast “The Satire Paradox,” while sitting in that super noisy, parallel to the engine, seat of a plane, and Dana Milbank’s opinion piece in the Washington Post, “Trump is a racist. Democrats should stop calling him one,” September 13, 2019.