Be ashamed to die until you have won
some victory for humanity.
Horace Mann 
Be aware that energy is life, save some for your kids. 
Be afraid that our minds are bent by news not books.
Be awed by the healing power of the simple purple cone flower.
Be amazed that after four short years she knows so much.
Be awake before the bombs drop, before the money rules.
Be agile: live in a town that walks and bikes to work and play.
Be amused by ants and birds, goats and potato fields, lilacs and sycamores.
Be angry only long enough to solve the problem, then move on.
Be ashamed to die until you have won some victory for humanity.

Doug Stuber is a poet, editor of Poems from the Heron Clan, Artist, Musician and Professor. You can find him on Twitter @heronclanpoems