Someone else in my family
unloads the dishwasher.

I have a vagina

does not mean the dishes are in my permanent
job description.

Nor the laundry, in fact.
The vacuum

tells me it does not care if I have breasts.

I do go to the grocery store-
not because my ovaries are in the mood for hauling

bags of staples to the car for other people– but
because I am driving by the store

on my way home from a long day at the office
where I am the boss, and remember

we are out of toilet paper
(for the many flushes you report are needed).

Inspiration and author’s note: “Trump says he’s heard from women about inefficient dishwashers” tRump @ Michigan Rally 12/17/19: Note to your staff// mandatory social justice training required // Ps: Many Americans can’t afford a dishwasher.

art by Mike Morgenstern.