
Biomechanical Albion

Symbiotic sovereignties androgynous

Bottomless marionette recollections

Chasing the weaponized perfections exoskeleton

Melancholy like the hill of umbilical cords not even born




Etherial onomatopoeia

Of infatuated Cleopatra

Immaculately sacrificial

Promiscuous ventriloquist

Pulling the strings of death-bringers soliloquy

Shadowed by hallelujah shrouded Gilgamesh

Of Armageddons methamphetamine anagram anthologies

Of celestial amnestics

Reflecting on the resurrection of renegade hatred




In a ruthless plague of rag-dolls

Of acupuncturist homunculi

Of pushpin vigilante incubator

Of Mother Nature’s glacier

Irrigated marionettes pirouette the stumbling jugular

Voluptuous stomach mumbling annunciations

Gluttony insufferable in the undertow of pheromones

Comatose to the motion of the waves

That braid the fluctuations of fluorescent ectoplasmic spectres

From the wreckage of endocrine

Beneath the surface of the epidermis

Surgical splurging of spliced glucagon

Rifling psychically intertwining rhymes

Unwinding Frankenstein serpentine alignment

Of skyscrapers

On the pondering mitochondria’s hell-spawn legato

Monotonous to the triceratops apocalypse

Of oculus rift bliss of virtuoso

Aloaca shapeshifting the Big Dipper’s omnipotence

Homonyms fondling kilometres

Of augmenting cemetery chariots

To malaria’s hysterically paradoxical helicopters

Dropping the words like flies

Regurgitated psychotropic velociraptors

Telepathic synapses

Capturer of absentminded sciences

Writhing through the cytoplasm

Of clementines made the schizophrenic endeavour

Of the ecliptic renaissance of tonsillitis

Like a tidal fire hydrant of wyvern’s livelihood

Of diaphragms flamboyant recoil

And ricochet rhythmic primitive aneurisms

Of inhibition’s prism vivid lividity prison of tranquillity

Take quill quelling melodies from melancholy conduits

Of the clockwork of my van-ocular vernacular




I harbour my doubts

Cry myself a river

Waiting to set sail, a vessel

And anchor in a sanctuary of my soul

In a watery grave like buried treasure,

Where I can drown my sorrow, in my reflection

Like a fish out of water

A disembodied monster of frenzied energy,

Possessing consciousness,

A battle cry to be exorcised, purified immaterialized





Am no longer just a cage called a cell




Though the apple of my I doesn’t fall far from the tree

I am more than just the sum of my partisans


Occhi che riflettono il mondo nella street art di My Dog Sighs - Keblog


I am more than the depths of my negligence, under bodies of water made flesh castaways

Holding on to life’s roots like decapitated asterisks a raft isolated on the endless pale void page

I am the embodiment of free will imprisoned within myself to explore the world discharged from the wombs asylum

When I’m on borrowed time, should I not take every minute, your second guessing?

Resting my wary I, the retina is just another looking glass in a cathedral of sunlight and long cascading shadows

In a blink of an I, and the eternity of us is the homage of life’s kaleidoscope, and city of colour

I am therefore I am, or rather, through us, have become





all images found on www.pinterest.ca