Roe vs Wade-related; patriarchy
I don’t wait for you to corroborate my truth
evidence to prove the finality of my desires
I don’t wait for your soft touches to smoothen my scars
a tourniquet to stop this bleeding
I don’t want you to comfort me in the middle of the night
only to unravel my pain in the morning
as my body goes from a shade darker than yesterday
I don’t need the assurance of the revolution around the corner
I birth my own revolution
and I create my own marches
the truth my soul owes to nobody but me
a conversation with my higher self
a divine ablution.
When I resist
I create.
Megha Sood is a contributing editor at Free Verse Revolution, Heretics, Lovers and Madmen, Sudden Denouement, Whisper and the Roar, GoDogGoCafe and Poetry editor at Ariel Chart. Over 300+ works in journals including Better than Starbucks, FIVE:2: ONE, KOAN, Kissing Dynamite, Foliate Oak. Visitant Lit, Quail Bell, Dime show review, etc. and works featured/upcoming in 25 other print anthologies by the US, Australian, and Canadian Press. Two-time State-level winner of the NJ Poetry Contest 2018/2019.National level poetry finalist in Poetry Matters Prize 2019. She blogs at and tweets at @meghasood16.
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