The telephone when it rang
For the early 20s end of the line gathering pace
In hopeless circumstances pregnant
his no was growing
her first child no longer
and later no names read
procured abortion happened
there was not January
later burned winter
this path created Today
warm morning answers
raised Now a fraction
it is a heavy responsibility
this past decade recalling tears
behind me party paraphernalia
to parent later in life
the little wonder Inside
comes in part from the complicated action
a presence is a choice
they can’t list the names of
brought about because
She says So
feature image & source text which inspired this piece
Pavlina Marie Wilkin is London-born and of Greek-Cypriot heritage. Her poems have appeared in Marble Magazine, Pink Plastic House and Fevers of the Mind. Her found poems are a way of processing the political soup of the day but are mainly a kind of personal tarot reading. Find her on Twitter: marie_writes | @ poetrysometimes.