Day 15: Fortnight’s Accounting
Already it seems like years
not a mere two weeks.
But the blitzkrieg has not stopped
(I use that term intentionally)
and already we are heartsore
and footsore and weary
of the threats to everyone we love,
everything decent people desire:
a culture that reflects not just the few
but all of us in our infinite variety
and commonality.
With it, the list of crimes and failings grows, too,
the ammunition against the Bigot-in-Chief:
the undissolved business ties,
the swindles,
the disconnect from reality,
threats to allies and foes equally,
dragging us into his paranoid world
where he is the only good guy
and the world stands against him.
Let’s make that last bit
the truth.
––February 3, 2017, Harlem, NY