Shards of glass in the eggs; 

A wiggle in the window.

My excuse for having dropped the butter dish.


Animals are so scarce seen in these parts;

Is this what has startled me?

A snout, a fur-ridged back, a bushy tail?


All day, sharp needling pains in the abdomen, 

Moving lower. My broach fell

Into the forsythia last year,


But not before I felt the pin on skin.

I looked, but could not find it. 

I lay awake at night,


Hand on the phone; if there is blood later,

I will have to call someone to drive me

The hour to town, to the hospital. I think


Of that whisker, those wily paws. Wherever

He is, I hope he is wearing my finery;

I hope he is well-dressed tonight. 

Photo by Martin Arusalu on Unsplash