One leg to the side
One leg half folded onto my other
My head propped up on the pillows
His grey t-shirt covering half my body
And most of my face
I take a big sniff.
Everything is the same here
But there are so many things I never noticed before
Like how that one book on my shelf is too big
Out of order-
Just sticking out from the front.
Or like how the pile on the chair just keeps getting bigger.
How the dust on my dead tv has accumulated
Or the way my bed is actually very uncomfortable.
I hadn’t noticed how much bigger my bed is compared to my body
Nor, had I realized the view into the window above my bed.
I placed my pillows at the end of my bed
Layed down
Gazed out
And watched the vast clouds drift in the sky
The tree branches shake and shiver in the wind
The electrical wires swing from side to side.
If I close my eyes a little longer,
I can almost imagine the grass under me, rustling next to my ears
I can almost feel the wind caress my cheeks
The Sun’s soft kiss on my forehead.
I open my eyes,
Only if I could sleep long enough.

stunning image by artist and poet Stuart M Buck, find his online store (and humorous inspiration via his Twitter feed.