I am Covid

Covid 19.

A force of Nature,

unleashed by humans

on humans.

Me, little strand,

thousand times smaller

than width of your hair.

A Billion copies of me

Cause you to fear.

Don’t blame me

You jumped me from

a pangolin.

You nurtured me,

shared and let loose.

My instincts

same as yours.

Survive, thrive, multiply.

Use all means

to expand my kind.


vastness of earth and seas

no barrier.

You are my carrier.

You created

monster me.

Enjoying the moment,

I will visit the four corners

of earth we share.

I will touch each one, cruising

through masks, gloves, soaps and gel.

You see I am like “Joker”

I have no plan.

Let you in on a secret,

my friend,

You can win the battle.

You need to settle.

Shatter barriers,

Burst egos and denials.

Work together

in a single mission.

Bring wisdom to the fore.

Science to front.

Show empathy and care.

You have done it before.

My kind, SARS, MERS

come and gone,

now bottled and

locked in.

You will win over me too.

In time I will be subdued.

Bit of advice for my enabler,

Remember the lessons,

This time, you must.

Don’t fear

You will stay top of evolution

 though flawed, wounded and humbled.

Remember our master

Of highest stature:


stunning image by artist and poet Stuart M Buck, find his online store (and humorous inspiration via his Twitter feed.