Toward a Safe Social Distance
by Alan Walowitz

Out of an abundance of caution,

any dreams you might have had are cancelled.

Good sense alone would dictate

you must keep your distance from strangers–

while those you love may be thought of

kindly, for moments at a time.

Look, don’t touch is fully in effect here,

though Look must be no more than one sidelong glance,

or discreet peek from behind a pulled shade.

Shadows, themselves, are fully discouraged,

and any future-self you hoped to inhabit–

even in the safety of your own imagining–

will be delayed, at least, for the foreseeable.

Try hard not to breathe, but if you must–

No, please don’t.

It’s so unnerving to so many.

We want everyone safe and on board,

but to those who do not continue,

we offer a fond farewell.

Please know, we would have

taken you wholly as you are

and held you in the same respect

in which you’ve always wanted to be held–

but, for now, at an acceptable remove.

Those who should remember will still remember–

though, given current conditions–

not quite so long as you once might have hoped.

image: STUART BUCK  is a visual artist and award-winning poet living in North Wales. His art has been featured in several journals, as well as gracing the covers of several books. His third poetry collection, Portrait of a Man on Fire, is forthcoming from Rhythm & Bones Press in November 2020. He is the art editor for kanstellation magazine and available for commissions all year round. He can be contacted via Twitter or E-Mail