Ode to Charmin
by Valerie Frost


Dearest Beloved,

Oh, how I yearn for your squeezable softness. You made “the go” enjoyable – I took this for granted. And now, you’re nowhere to be found. Why did you leave me at a time like this? I need you now more than ever! I stroll past the household essentials aisle hoping for a clandestine reunion, only to discover empty shelves. Price tag stickers are all you’ve left – evidence of where we used to connect. Please come back. I promise not to deplete you faster than I replenish.  I’m sorry it took a global pandemic for me to realize your worth. You were one of the few constants on my shopping list, I should’ve thanked you more often. I know I said I wouldn’t cheat on you

with store brand replacements. I was just trying to save some money! I don’t love the other suppliers more than you, I swear. You have to believe me! Nothing compares to your level of clean. Even my toilet was grateful for your presence – it stayed clog-free.

You were always the best option.

Longing to carry you in my arms once again,
A Consumer Nearing The End Of Her Roll

Image by Stuart Buck is a visual artist and award-winning poet living in North Wales. His art has been featured in several journals, as well as gracing the covers of several books. His third poetry collection, Portrait of a Man on Fire, is forthcoming from Rhythm & Bones Press in November 2020. He is the art editor for kanstellation magazine and available for commissions all year round. He can be contacted via Twitter or E-Mail
Valerie Frost is a Garden State native. She holds a BA and MA in Education and is currently earning an MFA in creative nonfiction and poetry at Eastern Kentucky University. She lives and works in Central Kentucky with her twin three-year-olds.  She has work forthcoming in the Eastern Iowa Review.