by Nwaoha Chibuzor Anthony
“This is the time of Love and not the time to burn the words in our mouths.”
After water became wildfire,
the borders of our silence were festooned with the
rumors of the truth dying in our tongues.
Sorrow and grief tread upon each other in
the cruces of our palms and we can’t help but
beat ourselves into the wilderness of darkness,
but there is a solve that resurrected from
the ruins of burnt mistakes.
Last night, my father said:
“Love is the salt of the world. If the broth
is saltless, actually, it is tasteless.”
Then, I asked:
“Who gave birth to love?”
He said
“Diversity begat love. We began to love the
day we started breathing. Love is tolerance.”
It’s high time, we began to love one another.
All we need is love,
and our problems would be dust
even COVID-19.