Week 5
by Joanna Magill

Week 5
Minutes bleed into hours
Bleed into days bleed into
Weeks bleed into

Each day I watch sundials dance their frenzied chorus
Until the sapphic moon kisses them goodnight.

Time inches forward,
heavy and halting.
And the television pounds
its droning rhythm
into my skull.

I may fancy myself a stranger-
Cigarette poised like a quill and
Coffee scalding my naked throat.
But ennui is not as enticing
As French pages have feigned.

Confinement to nothing
Save the daily march of shadows
Will send you to the edge of madness
But will never be kind enough to let you fall.

Image: Stuart Buck is a visual artist and award-winning poet living in North Wales. His art has been featured in several journals, as well as gracing the covers of several books. His third poetry collection, Portrait of a Man on Fire, is forthcoming from Rhythm & Bones Press in November 2020. He is the art editor for Konstellation Magazine and available for commissions all year round. He can be contacted via Twitter or E-Mail
Joanna Magill is a 22 year old Modern Languages and Linguistics student. She comes from a small town in Northern Ireland and currently resides in Southampton, England. Her work has been published previously at Poetry NI, Pendemic and The Hysteria Collective. You can find her on Twitter at @joannamagill