| Weekly Feature – Roe v Wade-related |

The Interview
by Juliette van der Molen


Tell me sister, have you been truly chaste?
A skirt— lifted slow, his sacred duty,
how many sinful thoughts have you embraced?

A patriarch power, chromosome based,
soft smiles ask questions, practiced cruelty—
Tell me sister, have you been truly chaste?

I hide behind this veil, so debased.
Iris leaked to cheeks— mouth jammed with rubies,
how many sinful thoughts have you embraced?

Tell me sister, sinful thoughts—
truly chaste, will you embrace?
have you been sinful, truly
embrace me, tell me sinful thoughts

Spilling secrets on his lap with haste,
jeweled worldly confessions, scarlet beauties.
Tell me sister, have you been truly chaste?

Have you?
Can you?
Tell me.

His licked lips lying, eyes trained on my waist—
dutiful wives obey absolutely,
how many sinful thoughts have you embraced?

skirt lifted chaste—
dutiful sin embraced.

Photo by Baran Lotfollahi on Unsplash
Juliette van der Molen is an expat poet living in Wales. She is an intersectional feminist and member of the LGBTQIA community. Her work has appeared in several publications both online and in print. Her poetry has been nominated for the Pushcart Prize and Best of The Net. She is the author of three poetry books and is the poetry editor for Mookychick Magazine. You can connect with her via Twitter @j_vandermolen or through her website at www.JulietteWrites.com