Terse Verse

A Take A Knee Lesson
by Killah Shark, Regular Contributor

I am so tired of niggers on their knees praying
Singing we shall over come
And then in Minneapolis
8:46 minutes
You keep shaming me
Y’all go kill me
Then this morning in my vacant lot
Tear gas in the air
Beer cans. Tossed there
Rubber bullets every where
I was on my knees cleaning up
A sea of green fisted revolutionaries
Blooming not booming
Cop guns
I started to pray there before the sun rose
Like Jesus on Easter Sunday morning
Prayer is a powerful thing
The song say
Some day
I said not tomorrow but
I am sick and tired of niggers on their knees
Begging for their lives
To be free
To be free
To better

Read more of Killah Shark’s TERSE VERSE