Going Quiety, The Final Scene
by Hokis, Founder & Currator of Headline

previously titled “The Other Vitruvian Man.” Rename inspired by Trump’s recent claim that if he lost, he would go quietly.


Dear Mary Harron,

I so enjoyed your film American Psycho.  I heard of your recent project, the dramatic interpretation of  “Very Stable Genius,” and would like to pitch an alternative ending to the film.

I would enjoy discussing this with you further.  Please have your assistant contact my assistant, and we can do lunch.  Perhaps that newly renovated restaurant near the old Studio 54 is appropriate.

Thank you for your consideration,

M. Nostredame

The master is alone in his peculiarly shaped room,
with golden curtains, framed faces hanging on the wall,
and scent of French fries and burnt bovine breast.

The orange wig intentionally placed upon the manikin’s scalp.
Navy suit and long red tie draped as if the plastic figure
is dressed in its Sunday best.

The slightly hunched, thick-middled, ruddied man sits on the velvet chair,
with its intricately detailed arm rests,
made from a mold, not hand-carved.

He speaks intentionally, cadence less like a preacher
more like a monotone salesman, expression less like a prideful grin,
more like a contemptuous winking smirk.

He explains how he bought and sold his soul for us,
how he tempted the evil of lands, and brought forth heroes.

He explains how he finished his job, you see,
just as he promised.  He has drained the swamp,
in his own manner, as a matter of fact. After all
he is exactly what he says he is: A very stable genius.

He explains he knew it had to happen, and
only could with a common enemy.
He explains he made the choice it would be him.

He explains how he is, in fact, the modern Christ
sacrificing himself on the oval, for our sins.

Camera rolling, sun setting,
authorities knocking on bolted doors.

He explains how it is our turn now,
to take the reigns, to select our destiny.

He has no more explaining to do.
It is demo time.
He fires, the door falls.

The SWAT team finds him lying alone, in a pool with the eagle.
Aside, a firearm naked of serial number, and
powdered with explosive dust.


image: book cover A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America” by Phillip Rucker and Carol Leonning