Rumor has it we are going on lockdown like Europe.

I hope every person who resides alone has cats

or a dog or Charlie bunny who believes he’s a cat.

Now we will live by social media on the couch.

Do I have enough books on my Kindle? Vodka

or wine? Should we search for sweet potatoes,

although I hate them? The dog have enough meds?

Do I? Just shut the whole thing down. The questions

will kill me with their relentless insistence that it

will never be okay again. What happens after we

lock it up tight and everyone goes out of business?

Will my job be waiting for me? When, though?

Will my mother die of loneliness all by herself?

Will we all die remembering how separate we were?

stunning image by artist and poet Stuart M Buck, find his online store (and humorous inspiration via his Twitter feed.

2 Replies to “Rx Poetry | Monkey Mind, by Luanne Castle”

  1. I’ve also had to turn down the volume on the barrage of questions nobody can answer. Their loudness is hiding the bird who is singing in my backyard.

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