At last, after a long silence, women took to the streets. It wasn’t a solitary woman drifting out of …
Roe v Wade-related | The Contract, a poem by Martha Warren
Why is a marriage agreement not a proper contract? The answer should be in these law books, an elegant legal …
Resist! | R Culture, a poem by Cyndie Randall
R Culture When my rapist dies, there will be many #TouchingTributes. Our mutual friends know he ransacked me, and still, …
Roe v. Wade-related | A Woman’s Prayer to Hekate, a poem by Juliette Sebock
I’m told that She will deliver justice
where justice is due
and I pray She bring justice, too,
beyond the courtroom,
beyond the bedroom
Roe v. Wade-related | Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, Bitches, a poem by Juliette Sebock
when a man asked about
my big, bad wolf,
looked to the dog beside me.
I wanted to smile a blood-soaked grin
and tell him that the wolf
is him and his
Roe v. Wade-related | Yes, I’ve Heard, a poem by Juliette Sebock
I think about how I just might die / if they don’t kill me
Once upon a time in the Bible Belt south, you paint a fire engine lipstick onto your small schoolgirl mouth …
Roe v. Wade-related | Asking for It, a poem by Juliette Sebock
she came back to herself /
revitalized /
she armoured herself /
in red lipstick /
scarlet at her collar /
to reclaim the space she knew now /
Roe v. Wade-related | Rape Culture: A Checklist, a found poem by Juliette Sebock
society disregards women’s
terror and limitation
Roe v. Wade-related | Nasty Woman, a poem by Kylee Graham
there’s a brain on top of these narrow shoulders
and the world has no idea what it’s capable of
Roe v. Wade-related | twenty-sixth suture, By Melissa Eleftherion Carr
[only] the field
could see / my / shaking