by Paul Crump


I cup my hands
to keep the air prisoner
at least until it is old air
then I open my hands
just slightly
and breathe in
the past. it smells
better. it tastes penniless.
tingly on my tongue.
it returns me
to my place in the queue.

Image: Stuart Buck is a visual artist and award-winning poet living in North Wales. His art has been featured in several journals, as well as gracing the covers of several books. His third poetry collection, Portrait of a Man on Fire, is forthcoming from Rhythm & Bones Press in November 2020. He is the art editor for Konstellation Magazine and available for commissions all year round. He can be contacted via Twitter or E-Mail
Author bio: They say that everybody has a book in them. I want to write a book. I want to prove all the teachers and all the doubters wrong.  I am going to make my children proud and show them that being fifty-two is not a barrier.