Density of forensics
by Philip Berry


Shadow cuts the boy in two

cannot feel his own dissection

opens aching blood locked lids

concrete bleached morning sky

early contrail the angled stitch

melded fingers pulled apart

system’s guts are darker blue


turns to face the litter-scape

baton spray in three dimensions

diesel smoke on shattered shield

juvie tags piss gutter and fear

jackdaws strip out faded bags

sweated deals pressed hand to hand

sirens swelling Doppler thin.


Footnote: A boy has been caught up in social unrest. Bloodied, concussed, he wakes to a new day among the detritus of violence beneath an overpass. He may be black, he may be white, he may be innocent, he may be in the life. All he sees is injury. The poet was not there, and can only paint in colours from the palette of his own bias.
Philip is based in the London and is a hospital doctor. His poems have appeared in Lucent Dreaming, Poetry Birmingham, Black Bough, Lunate Fiction and SUNY Upstate’s Medical University’s The Healing Muse. He also writes a regular blog on medical ethics called Illusions of Autonomy. His writing work can be explored at or @philaberry.