by Brandon Hodges

Shall I be tempted to shuck and jive,
or am I the one who reads and writes?
Both are elements of the hue of my skin.

Articulation could empower me
but indulging in my loves equates me
with the worst uncle: Mr.Tom.

I am the Brotherman who’s torn.
Choosing Klimts and Poes over pimps and hoes.
Rhythm and blues instead of faith and pews,

My appearance betrays the essence of my soul
since both academia and unity leave me cold.

Brotherman, am I my brother’s keeper?
The black-balled fist drives a knife into my back.

“Keep this nigger-boy running”:
Don’t worry, Ellison,
I’m invisible, too, my brother.

Shoo-wop Beedop

image Pixabay
Brandon Hodges is a Communications M.A recipient, boxer, writer, husband and cat dad who just wants to be the change he wants to see in the world.

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