images taken by James Schwartz at Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone
Old Order Supremacy
By James Schwartz, Regular Contributor
How will I use my white privilege & body during this time? Racism in the Old Order  – let’s destroy it the way Jesus drove thieves from the temple, flipped over tables & brought big dick hardcore revolutionary energy to his Divine Work.
Topple systems of oppression that will usher in a new heaven & new world. No justice, no peace, defund the police. The kingdom of heaven is within our autonomous zone.
Anabaptist ancestors, hear our cry: Black Lives Matter. Amish bishops: “Birds of a feather flock together” is a racist as fuck response.
Ecclesiasticus 27:9 is just the tip of the spear. White AmeriKKKa cherry-picked the Bible to justify slavery. True story bro. Try Jeremiah 22:3.
 “I don’t want black men in my house” an Amish man once hissed at me: my father, after I brought home a trick from the club one Saturday night. I laughed at dad as we left & went to his apartment in Kalamazoo for sex & shots. House music night & I am the only white body on the packed dance floor. Frankie Knuckles mixing with sweat & gin & northern heritage. He holds me close, our kiss defiant.
Amish can go their whole lives without seeing a person of color…

James Schwartz is a poet, writer, slam performer & author of 5 poetry collections including The Literary Party: Growing Up Gay and Amish in America”. Twitter: @queeraspoetry