| Terse Verse |

… sleeping at wendy’s
by Killah Shark, Regular Contributor

… sleeping at wendy’s
Wait did I order
Yeah triple cheese a chocolate frosty
Small fries
Go to sober up
Got to get home
Man I’m tired
Wake up dead
Nigga you been
Hit by. You been hit a cop
You agreed to be killed
As a black while
Waking up
Waking up
You woke now
You dead now
But woke
You been an
Essential Worker
Since 1619
Hot Damn
Hot moon dust
On your dreams
Made them scary
Scary you woke
They made you
Piss yourself
But Black man
You woke up
You woke the fuck up
Guess what
Now you

image:Why 1619 Matters,” Madisom365.com
Killah Shark was a member of Hittite Empire Black Men Performance Art group and, among many other projects, is a regular contributor to Headline Poetry & Press.  Killah communicates through Terse Verse. Terse Verse is a very short form of poetry which starts with an impressive sounding question or statement and is solved by a short rhyme. He engages the form in a specific way; weaving personal mythologies with history to challenge the internal, to organically inspire social justice from within.