Accidentally buy a whole flat of pudding from Amazon. This is surprisingly inexpensive. Even if you eat one pudding per day, there’ll still be a ton of pudding.
Watch a penguin stare at fish on the internet.
Rx Poetry | Write an Arbitrary List and Pretend
Rx Poetry | The Reason, a poem by Hokis
like all genres of yesterday’s wars,
today’s is made of tissues and cells
the likes of which we’ve never seen.
Rx Poetry | A Millennial Stares into the Abyss and the Abyss Sends her a Revolution of Love
And more than anything, we must hold each other accountable to the damage we do when we are personally unkind. This is worse than a physical virus. This kills more people every day than Covid-19 will ever kill.
What Whiteness Wants
What whiteness wants . What might life feel like for all those folks who traversing it with ease wanting for …
Rx Poetry | Liminal, a poem by Beth Brooke
There is a moment that waits between then and now, between now and hereafter; a space where everything and nothing …
Rx Poetry | Our Collective Deaths a Whisper, a poem by Richard LeDue
Two hundred people died the other day from virus, but snow still tiptoes here: winter tires keeping us steady on …
Rx Poetry | Pi Day, a poem by Kim Kishbaugh
The national emergency was declared one day
before Pi Day.
Grocery shelves emptied
of disinfectant, bleach, diapers, tissue and towels,
rice, beans, pasta, frozen vegetables, broth,
sugar and shortening, lard.
The next day we woke early,
Rx Poetry | Grief in the time of virus (a meditation)
As I write these words the sky outside the window is overcast it looks bitter and hard like concrete. The …
Rx Poetry from Poets of the Pandemic
A new section for work that marks this time. A new piece is published daily. The image above is an artist’s rendition of a coronavirus, not covid-19 but a family member. Perhaps one who is whispering “This is your opportunity to re-learn what living in community means.”
MicroBiome Poetry | Today is the Day, a poem by DM Davanti
A red phone rings
risk factor imminent
activate all contingencies
Erasure the News | Land of Small Steps
(Source text) “Swiss anti-gay discrimination vote sends ‘strong signal’” –, February 10, 2020.
Roe v Wade-related |RUSH, a poem by Joyce Frohn
When I hear their words of hate, righteous anger fills me and my palms itch.