Rejection Letter to All That Potential
by Gayatri Rajan
Never a quiet girl. Never willing to memorize appropriate
maps. Wore hysteria like a cloak, wrote grocery lists
Rejection Letter to All That Potential
Roe v. Wade-related | To My Grandfather, by Melody Sokolow
Melody Sokolow is a 62-year-old autistic artist who plays with words like they were candy. From Los Angeles originally, she …
Study on Beauty
Study on Beauty by Gayatri Rajan, Regular Contributor //girl Because I am a girl, I learn beauty quick, whisper …
Rx Poetry | The Reason, a poem by Hokis
like all genres of yesterday’s wars,
today’s is made of tissues and cells
the likes of which we’ve never seen.
Roe v Wade-related |RUSH, a poem by Joyce Frohn
When I hear their words of hate, righteous anger fills me and my palms itch.
Roe v Wade-related | The Contract, a poem by Martha Warren
Why is a marriage agreement not a proper contract? The answer should be in these law books, an elegant legal …
Resist! | R Culture, a poem by Cyndie Randall
R Culture When my rapist dies, there will be many #TouchingTributes. Our mutual friends know he ransacked me, and still, …
Roe v. Wade-related | Nolite te bastardes carborundorum, Bitches, a poem by Juliette Sebock
when a man asked about
my big, bad wolf,
looked to the dog beside me.
I wanted to smile a blood-soaked grin
and tell him that the wolf
is him and his
Once upon a time in the Bible Belt south, you paint a fire engine lipstick onto your small schoolgirl mouth …